Gear Reviews

CrushSound Farmer’s Mill featured in TopGuitar magazine

TopGuitar is proud to inform, that the December issue of the magazine features a review of the Farmer’s Mill guitar effects pedal from CrushSound. TopGuitar’s gear department editor Maciek Warda performed a test of the product and wrote a short review, summing it up with the following words:

“Today, we rarely have an opportunity to find a guitar effects pedal that can truly introduce a new quality to our sound. This time we are dealing exactly with such an unusual device which, in addition, takes real courage to be used!”

crushsound farmers mill


Published since 2005 as a printed magazine, TopGuitar is a magazine of opinion for professional and amateur musicians. Since 2020 on a digital platform. Contain reviews of various guitar-related musical gear, interviews and original articles on world’s most popular artists, music reviews, event reports, guitar workshops and tips, the latest products and artist news. The Editor-in-Chief is Dr. Dariusz Domanski, a guitarist and academic teacher, doctor of musical arts.