Music News

Doro Celebrates 25 Years with Nick Douglas

Doro is probably the most well-known power metal band in Germany, and Nick Douglas is their bass player for 25 years. So let’s party! With live music, beer, grill and good mood on 17th and 18th July 2015.

The Framus & Warwick Music Hall in Markneukirchen in the beautiful Vogtland/Germany is organizing a small Doro Festival on 17th and 18th July 2015. The motto of the event is called „Doro Celebrates 25 Years with Nick Douglas”.

„Doro Celebrates 25 Years with Nick Douglas” – Framus & Warwick Music Hall:

Friday, 07.17.2015:
Starting at 18.00 o’clock – beer, burgers & BBQ
19.00 20.30 o’clock – Meet & Greet with Nick Douglas and the Doro Band
21.00 o’clock – jam with Nick Douglas and the Doro Band

Saturday, 07.18.2015:
All day – beer, burgers & BBQ
18.00 – 19.30 o’clock: – Meet & Greet with Doro and Band
21.00 o’clock – Concert Doro

Admission fees:
17.07 . – VVK: 18 Euros – AK: 20 Euros
18.07 . – VVK: 38 Euros – AK: 40 Euros

Combo Pack – 50 Euros (Admission for both days including camping and complimentary use of the nearby Rudolf-Thiele Schwimmbad (swimming pool) Markneukirchen)

Doro Fanclub members will receive a 10% discount on their ticket.

Tickets available at: E-mail: [email protected] / or phone Germany: 037422/5553040 / or for self-collection: Warwick GmbH & Co Music Equipment KG, Industrie Park 46, 08258 Markneukirchen, Germany

For further information, please visit:



Published since 2005 as a printed magazine, TopGuitar is a magazine of opinion for professional and amateur musicians. Since 2020 on a digital platform. Contain reviews of various guitar-related musical gear, interviews and original articles on world’s most popular artists, music reviews, event reports, guitar workshops and tips, the latest products and artist news. The Editor-in-Chief is Dr. Dariusz Domanski, a guitarist and academic teacher, doctor of musical arts.