Fender Flea Jazz Bass Active – new Artist Signature Model
Fender Musical Instruments Corporation announced the expansion of its artist signature electric bass offerings at Summer NAMM 2018 in Nashville.
Said Justin Norvell, SVP Fender Products: “artist signature active bass with Flea was designed to complement the Shell Pink Flea Jazz Bass—a reproduction of his beloved recording bass we recreated with him in 2016. This new active model is a complete 180 from the super vintage-style of the other; it’s hyper-modern and ready for the stage.”
Flea Jazz Bass Active (Launching October 2018) sports a satin finish with matching headstock. The custom-shaped Jazz Bass body and a hot Fender humbucking pickup with an Aguilar OBP-1 18-volt preamp allows this bass to crank out massive output, perfect for pounding a stadium with the power of funk. The brainchild of Flea and Fender Custom Shop Master Builder Jason Smith, also a Flea/Red Hot Chili Peppers fan and bass player himself—this is the bass Flea plays live in concert.